Information for Authors

Thank you for your interest in Higher Education in Review.  We strive to provide authors with quality feedback in a timely fashion.  This page will provide authors with information about our publication process as well as some of the most common errors we see in papers we receive.  If you are looking for the requirements for submissions, please review the Call for Papers page.

Publication Process
  1. Submission is received by HER and author(s)' names are removed. 
  2. Submission is reviewed by two internal reviewers, comprised of HER staff.
  3. Internal reviewers recommend rejection, revise and resubmit, or to move to external.  A decision letter is sent to the author(s) with comments about the strengths and weaknesses of the piece. 
  4. If reviewers recommend revise and resubmit, the author will be asked to revise their paper and write a letter describing how they have addressed the reviewers' comments.
  5. The revised copy is reviewed by the internal reviewers, who will once again recommend whether the piece should be rejected, revised, or moved to external review. A decision letter will be sent.
  6. If the piece is sent to external review, it will be reviewed by two external reviewers, comprised of faculty, administrators, and practitioners who hold a PhD and have an expertise in the area of the manuscript.
  7. The external reviewers recommend rejection, revise and resubmit, or acceptance for the piece.  A decision letter is sent to the author(s) with the external reviewers feedback. 
  8. If the piece requires revision, the author(s) will be asked to revise the piece and send a letter detailing how they have addressed the external reviewers' feedback.
  9. The Editor and internal reviewers will make a final decision to accept or reject the piece.
  10. If the piece is accepted it is sent to the Editor for Technical Editing for proofreading and formatting. 
  11. The author will review the proofread piece and return a signed copyright release form.
  12. All accepted manuscripts will be compiled and the journal is printed.

Authors can expect each review to take approximately one month to complete.  However, our internal and external reviewers can be busy and reviews can take as long as two months.  The entire process will take at least 5-6 months to complete.  

Common Mistakes Made by Authors

At HER, we receive a large number of manuscripts each year.  Unfortunately, we are unable to accept most of the submissions we receive.  The document below outlines some of the most common mistakes in manuscripts we receive. 

Common Submission Mistakes.docx
Mark Umbricht,
Aug 23, 2014, 9:27 AM